RM's LOST! MV bags trophy at 2024 Berlin Commercial Awards in Craft: Cinematography category

By Gogo
Posted on September 1, 2024

BTS leader RM has once again proven his artistry transcends the realm of music with his latest music video, LOST! clinching the trophy in the Craft: Cinematography category at the prestigious 2024 Berlin Commercial Awards. Released as the lead single from RM’s second studio album Right Place, Wrong Person on May 24, 2024, LOST! is a visual and auditory exploration of disillusionment, self-reflection, and the emotional complexities of navigating personal growth.

The song's introspective lyrics, “I thought that I was special and we would be together, but I've never been so wrong. Now I'm lost, lost, lost, lost,” echo the sentiments of anyone who has ever felt adrift in the sea of their own expectations. RM’s heartfelt delivery, coupled with the music’s whimsical yet upbeat tones, creates an intriguing juxtaposition that is both thought-provoking and deeply relatable.

The music video, directed by Aube Perrie, captures this internal turmoil with striking visuals. The narrative follows multiple versions of RM, each representing different aspects of his identity, as they struggle to find harmony with one another. These selves navigate a surreal landscape filled with symbolic twists and turns, representing the often convoluted journey of social integration and self-acceptance. The whimsical tone of the music is mirrored in the visual style, creating a sense of playful confusion as the characters attempt to work together, yet continually find themselves at odds.

The Berlin Commercial Awards recognized the music video's cinematography, a testament to the creative vision of Director of Photography, Sehoon Jang, Aube Perrie, and the creative team from JNKYRD. Their work seamlessly blends crisp, dynamic shots with softer, more introspective moments, reflecting the duality of the song’s themes. The clever use of light, shadow, and color enhances the sense of disorientation and fragmentation, drawing viewers into RM’s world of lost selves.

Creative Director San Yawn, along with the talented cast, including Kim Namjoon (RM himself), Audrey Kang, David H. Lee, and others bring this visually stunning concept to life. Each cast member contributes to the overarching theme of the video, their performances adding to the narrative and further immersing the audience in RM’s exploration of identity and loss.

LOST! is more than just a music video; it is a profound piece of art that challenges viewers to reflect on their own journeys. With its award-winning cinematography and powerful storytelling, RM’s LOST! is a visual masterpiece that will resonate for years to come.

Watch the music video for LOST! below:

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