RM faces backlash over allegedly 'Islamophobic' song share

By Indo
Posted on August 16, 2023

BTS's RM has come under scrutiny for sharing a song that has been criticized by some as potentially having Islamophobic undertones.

The incident occurred on August 16 when RM posted a track on his Instagram story—a common practice for the artist.

The song in question originates from Frank Ocean's debut studio album, Channel Orange, and is titled Bad Religion.

Frank Ocean, a widely acclaimed American singer, songwriter, and rapper, has earned universal praise from both audiences and music critics alike. The song Bad Religion, similar to many of Ocean's compositions, revolves around the theme of love.

And you say ‘Allahu Akbar’
I told him, ‘Don’t curse me’
‘Bo Bo, you need prayer’
I guess it couldn’t hurt me
If it brings me to my knees, it’s a bad religion

Its thought-provoking lyrics, particularly a segment that involves the phrase "Allahu Akbar," have ignited a flurry of debates about its meaning.

One prevalent theory suggests that Ocean might be addressing a metaphorical "Bo Bo" character, advising him to seek solace in prayer due to a perceived need for guidance.

Yet, another interpretation suggests a connection between Ocean's attraction to men and the phrase "Allahu Akbar." The ensuing lines—"I guess it couldn't hurt me, if it brings me to my knees, it's a bad religion"—add another layer of complexity to the song's narrative.

Given that same-sex relationships may be met with resistance or condemnation in some religious contexts, Ocean's response of "Don't curse me" could be a commentary on the clash between his personal experiences and religious dogma.

The line "If it brings me to my knees, it's a bad religion," also provokes diverse interpretations and reactions.

These phrases, while carrying a metaphorical connotation about the power of love, have also struck a chord due to their connection with various religious practices, such as Islamic prayer that often involves kneeling.

Some Muslims have found the song’s lyrics problematic despite having a double meaning, leading to the current mixed reaction RM faces over sharing the song as some seek to clarify its deeper meanings.

Check out the song below:

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