Popular South Korean actress hints dating BTS Jimin with major social media update

By Indo
Posted on May 19, 2024

If you’re a fan of BTS dating life drama, you’re probably aware of the consistent ongoing debate within the fandom about South Korean actress Song Da Eun and BTS's Jimin regarding their alleged romantic relationship.

Over the past two years, rumours about the two potentially being in a romantic relationship have hit the online forums multiple times, with fans decoding their similar social media activities.

Well, it looks like things are heating up again, because Song Da Eun, who’s well-known for her part in The Handmaiden, just dropped a major social media update, sparking fans' reaction and more specifically, the backlash.

Speculations about Song Da Eun and BTS' Jimin's relationship began in the summer of 2022 when a now-deleted Pann Nate post shared a 12-piece collection of evidence suggesting they were dating. These photos showed both Jimin and Song Da Eun at the same locations, wearing the same accessories, and recommending the same movies. One picture revealed that both Jimin and Song Da Eun attended a soccer game on her birthday. Another highlighted their shared love for peonies and rubber trees and so on.

The Can't Live Without Losing actress has, however, always denied any personal connection with the K-pop star, stating that she doesn't personally know Jimin and assured fans that she is not romantically involved with the BTS member. But, her recent Instagram update has left the fans fuming.

Sharing a photo of two cases, likely for earbuds, the actress flaunted the name "Jimin" on one and "Da Eun" on the other. The post left many confused, and some accused the actress of seeking attention by trying to cash in on the name of the Promis" singer. But that wasn't all. Netizens pointed out many other videos where the actress seemed to hint at dating Jimin.

In one video, she shared a person walking by the Brooklyn Park Pier, covering the face with a flower emoji, but fans quickly noticed the similarity to a video posted by V last year featuring Jimin. In another video, she posted a picture of her dog playing in an apartment that resembled Jimin’s.

"If she really likes him and thinks of him, she wouldn't make it that obvious like that. She gives off the vibes of an attention-seeker,” a fan wrote on social media, slamming the actress as an attention-seeker. Another chimed in, "People who know, know. She's the one who basically moved into his house because he's in mandatory military service right now."

One more wrote, "Check out her Instagram. She covered his face with a sticker, but it's so obvious that it's Jimin. That girl is really attention-seeking." Claiming that she is exhibiting some toxic traits, another one wrote, “Song Daeun is not mentally stable at the moment. What she's doing screams crazy ex-gf who wants attention from her ex-bf to get back with him. I totally get her, though. I'd also lose it if I fumbled a Park Jimin. But she's such a mess. It's like the girl has gone crazy."

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