Bangtan Pictures 3.0, Breaking the Mold

By Indo
Posted on January 18, 2024

The newly redesigned Bangtan Pictures has launched, completing the 3.0 redesign for both our main site and photo gallery.

Edge-to-edge views. Fully mobile-compatible.
The new Bangtan Pictures takes advantage of larger screen real estate, capping out at 1920 pixels in width. The layout is also fully mobile-compatible, unlike the previous Bangtan Pictures 2.0, which used viewport hacks to make it somewhat usable on mobile.

Animated in all the right places.
We're back with our signature video as a header! A few other subtle animations are scattered throughout the theme, and they change depending on what device you're viewing the gallery on.

Breaking the Coppermine mold.
Previous designs were focused on making the gallery as familiar as possible for Coppermine users. We've decided against that route for the 3.0 redesign. We hope users enjoy it!

Check out the redesign below:

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